Use Your Tetris Skills to Organize Your Bookshelf
Make your bookshelf stand out by organizing it the Tetris Way!
Nowadays, bookshelves are more than furniture designed to store our favorite hardcovers and paperbacks. With the shelving space available, people are able to display some of their biggest passions, including their love of Tetris! At home, I have a large bookshelf filled with hundreds of books by my favorite authors.
Leaning against the books’ spines, I arranged some of my most beloved collectibles. I have the Tetris items I created by hand, and even my original copy of Tetris for the Game Boy. Additionally, I keep a variety of treasures that have strong personal significance alongside pictures of my family in decorative frames.
For many people who enjoy decorating and customizing their bookshelf like I do, it can be hard to figure out a good way to display everything. Plus, if you frequently use your bookshelf to remove and replace books, it’s easy to mess up the order of your bookshelf. Items get knocked around, scooted to the side, and tucked behind other things.
To help remedy this, I keep my bookshelf organized using methods learned from Tetris.
First, what is a bookshelf but a giant Tetris Matrix? On each shelf are a variety of real-life Tetriminos, including books and unique knickknacks. I like to think of the knickknacks like the S and Z-Tetriminos, oddly shaped, but important to the overall structure of my Tetris lines to help give my bookshelf personality.
My books are more like the I and O-Tetriminos, easy to place and manage.
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If your bookshelf is currently in a state of disarray, you may want to start your organization project by removing everything and setting it off to the side. Next, sort through your books. Do you want to display them by title, author, or preference? Personally, I like to arrange the books I’m most likely to read in the center for easy reach.
The larger books I place on the very bottom of my bookshelf, as it gives me more room at the top for items to display. For heavy items, try to place this in front of the books at the bottom of your Matrix, since you don’t want to injure yourself trying to shimmy a book down from the top.
Additionally, try to space out your collectibles so that you don’t have to do too much rearranging when heading to your bookshelf for a new book to read. By giving everything a clear, assigned space, it’ll become easier to keep your bookshelf neat and tidy. Each shelf is its own Tetris line, and all of the Tetriminos fit together within that line.
By going Tetrimino by Tetrimino, and line by line, you give yourself the freedom to use your bookshelf without having to worry about messing up your beautiful organization!
That probably took quite a bit of time, but it was worth it! Now you can relax and unwind with a little Tetris Blitz for smartphones and tablets. Or, if you’re looking to jump right in, click here to play Tetris online!