The Tetris Way - More Storage in Your Basement and Attic
Dust off those boxes and declutter your basement or attic using your Tetris skills.
In our homes, the basement and attic are two places we typically avoid. They’re dark, creepy, and full of icky spider webs. While the basement or attic can often be the last places we want to go, they’re great for storing things. For example, holiday decorations, tools, sports gear, and items we can’t bear to part with.
Because we rarely explore our basement/attic, they tend to grow cluttered and cramped. This makes finding what we need when we need it an impossible chore. To help, why not organize your basement or attic using skills learned from playing Tetris?
Personally, I like to put on the Tetris theme as I descend into the basement to help me calm my nerves. I don’t know what it is about the basement that frightens me, but the Tetris theme is the perfect way to help me shake off that initial hesitation. Once I’m ready to get down to business and have the Tetris theme playing in the background, I see the basement as a Tetris Matrix full of garbage.
Fortunately, just like in Tetris, you can clear this garbage using the right maneuvers. I recommend putting on some gloves and comfortable work clothes, since it’ll make it easier to arrange some of the heavier Tetriminos.
These Tetriminos include large boxes and plastic tubs, which remind me a lot of the O-Tetrimino.
Photo Credit: © chika_milan –
Now, it’s important to group these O-Tetriminos together, as they’ll soon make up the core foundation of your Tetris stack. Next, put to the side any oddly shaped Tetriminos like a large vase or snow shovel (depending on what you own). These are like the S and Z-Tetriminos; important, but difficult to place. With those out of the way, you can begin to stack your Tetriminos.
To avoid hurting your back, I recommend scooting the heavy Tetriminos against a wall rather than trying to carry or lift them. In the event you need to move these Tetriminos to an elevated position, recruit the help of a Tetris buddy. Together, the two of you can help knock out this round of Tetris in record time. Just remember, lift with your knees, not your back!
Like the I-Tetrimino, I like to put long items off to each side of my Tetris stack. For my oversized Christmas wreath, I can flip it vertically and tuck it off to the side. The same goes for my collection of snow shovels and brooms. Finally, with the remaining Tetriminos, I can begin the last stage of my basement Tetris game.
By carefully organizing each item on top of my heavier Tetriminos, rather than keeping everything side-by-side, I’m able to create a stable stack with extra visibility. Now that you’re done with your basement Tetris game, you can move on to a game of attic Tetris (or vice versa). The same rules apply, though you often have less space to work with in your attic as opposed to your basement.
This means you’ll have to create a tighter Tetris stack, and in general, manipulate your Tetriminos even more. Try to get creative when rotating the Tetriminos in your attic, since they can often surprise you by how well they fit when turned vertically or even upside down. After that, repeat the same steps you completed in basement Tetris, and you’re done!
By organizing your basement/attic the Tetris way, you make it easier to keep each area clean, even when you don’t want to pay them a visit. With your Tetris task complete, why not kick up your feet and celebrate a job well done by playing a few rounds of Tetris? At least, that’s how we like to celebrate a successful day of cleaning!